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Join a growing team
of professional wedding

Are you interested in filming weddings?

Filming weddings with Maritime Wedding Videographers is an excellent way to make some quick cash and continue strengthening your skills in videography.


Send us a message at the bottom of this page if you're interested in joining.

Video equipment
Wedding Photography
Screenshot (211).png

Why should you
join the
MWV team?

Improve your skills. Get paid. 

Do you own and have experience using camera equipment?

Do you consider yourself a good communicator?

Do you see yourself as an organized and responsible person?

Do you want to improve your skills in video production?


If so, we'd love to hear from you.


Why Join?

Are you interested?

Let us know. We'd love to hear from you.

In one short paragraph, tell us a bit about yourself.

These are a few things we'd like to know:

How much experience do you have using camera equipment?

Do you have your own camera equipment?

Why are you interested in joining this team? 

Thanks for submitting!

Join Us


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